Pine Barrens
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Pine Barrens
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The beautiful rivers of the Pine Barrens are another place to find turtles. On a perfect day in early summer,
kayaking with my family, we counted lots of Spotted Turtles basking on logs. But the most unusual sight was this
basking Mud Turtle . . . in a tree!
One of my favorite spots is a secluded pond, quiet and still and surrounded by green. Quiet, that is, except for
the rich k-chuck, k-chuck, k-chuck of Carpenter Frogs calling, the banjo twang of Green Frogs, or the rolling rumble of a
lone Bullfrog.
And on certain special nights it becomes a magical place, when the bushes are adorned with jewels that take
their name from this unique region of New Jersey.
Also scattered throughout the Pine Barrens are shallow bogs sprinkled with sundews and pitcher plants, purple
orchids, and the occasional snake.
And scattered beneath the pines and cedars are blooms of mountain laurel, and the occasional snake.
Eastern Hognose Snake
Heterodon platyrhinos
Spotted Turtle
Clemmys guttata
Eastern Mud Turtle
Kinosternon subrubrum
Carpenter Frog
Rana virgatipes
Green Frog
Rana clemitans
Pine Barrens Tree Frog
Hyla andersonii
Northern Water Snake
Nerodia sipedon sipedon
Pitcher Plants
Lady Slipper Orchid
Arethusa Orchid
Mountain Laurel
Eastern Worm Snake
Carphophis amoenus
Eastern Ribbon Snake
Thamnophis sauritis sauritis