Another crop of Everglades and Big Cypress pics taken during our annual family vacation. This year there are more alligators than we’ve ever seen before. Gave up counting when we hit 500+.Lots of babies, including hatchlings and yearlings.A Softshell unbothered by the alligator basking beside it, but this Redbelly had a less peaceful encounter in the past. Note the punctured carapace and fractured plastron below the tail.And speaking of hungry alligators . . .Ron’s wife Lorisa captures the moment on video. Although it’s cool to watch a gator chow down a gar, I especially enjoy the chorus of tourists in the background.Alligators weren’t the only ones having fish for lunch. Birds were also out hunting, or working on their nests.More herps poking up and out from the swamp.Even on the road some Green Water Snakes would still periscope. Florida Water Snakes would just bite.A pretty little neonate Water Moccasin.At first I thought this was a Pygmy Rattlesnake, but turned out to be something even better. I know EDBs are great wherever they’re found, but my favorites are those from the Glades.
Florida Softshell TurtleApolone ferox
Florida Redbelly TurtlePseudemys nelsoni
Great Blue Heron
Anhinga (male)
Great Blue Heron
Red-shouldered Hawk
Pied-billed Grebe
Florida Redbelly TurtlePseudemys nelsoni
Brown Water SnakeNerodia taxispilota
Florida Green Water SnakeNerodia floridana
Florida Green Water SnakeNerodia floridana
Florida Banded Water SnakeNerodia faciata pictiventris