May 2005
6 of 11
May 2005
6 of 11
Mornings were spent on the rainforest trails. Occasionally we’d see things overhead, like marmosets and
macaws, but mostly it was little critters crawling on the ground, including lots of bugs, or the herps that eat’em (and
sometimes visa versa).
At one point the long-loop trail cuts right through a collection of mounds, the displaced dirt from an
underground nest of leaf-cutter ants.
Appropriately enough, we found a few of these frogs not far from there.
More LBJs and bitey, stingy things:
This frog gave us fits with its masterful misdirection, like trying to catch a magic trick. We’d have it in our grasp
with absolute certainty, but then we’d open our hands, and poof! it was gone. With perfect slight of, uh, feet, it would
just disappear. After losing our first three, we finally managed to photo the fourth.
Some beautiful bugs:
The most common herps of the trip were these variable, angular toads:
Painted Antnest Frog
Lithodytes lineatus
Giant Millipede
Peruvian Rain Frog
Eleutherodactylus peruviana
Leaf-Cutter Ant Nest
Tree Snail
Common Big-Headed Rain Frog
Ischnocnema quixensis
Rain Frog (unidentified species)
Eleutherodactylus sp.
Wasp Nest
Three-Striped Poison Frog
Epipedobates trivittatus
© Dirk Stevenson
© Dirk Stevenson
Crested Forest Toad
Bufo margaritifer